strength, reslience, hope, opportunity through diversity

A scarf inspired by the stories of im/migrants from Russia, Turkey, Holland, Italy, Albania, and the USA.
It is Valentina, Deniz, Katja, Eleonora, Ermira, Devoney who shared their stories to create this scarf.
Their hopes, dreams, and passions capture the resilience and strength they developed during their integration journeys. They are stories that resonate with many of us. It is no coincidence that this scarf is called “encounters”. It is no secret that migrants face discrimination. Sometimes even the name can stand between a job interview and your chances of success. Sometimes it is only the country of origin. It is a struggle, but such stories also bring us closer together to connect, meet, network, and support each other.
This design, based on such fates, inspires us not to lose hope. The extravagant colors resonate with the beat of the heart in our hearts. The scarf shows the shapes of people, beautifully formed by the hand-drawn symbols of these women, symbols that multiply to create the shape of a body.
Keep dreaming, keep connecting and you will find opportunities. So wear this scarf as a reminder that together we are strong. Through networking, connection, and active participation in society you will increase your chances and chances of success. All you need is stamina and the right encounters.
About the design
The design was developed in a Younited Cultures Team-Building Worskshop together with mentees and mentors through an interactive and creative exchange. The aim of the workshop was to use symbols to bring the migration background to the fore and make it visible. The design becomes an inspiring story that we can carry into society. The symbols were drawn personally by the participants* and transported by YC into the scarf. The title, chosen by you, points to the exchange, networking, and positive impulses of the program, which are also reflected in the strong orange tones.
Hand-drawn symbols, inspired by 6 stories of migrant women in Austria. Fair and sustainable production in Italy at Lake Como.
The Scarf in Action