Girls shape the future

Empowerment. Self-determination. Diversity

I got an insight into other cultures and learned about diversity and women's rights.


WOW! Discover the wonderful story of 12 diverse young women from all over Austria!  During one weekend, they worked together on the different realities of girls’ and women’s lives. What is especially important to them is shown in an inspiring design.

This story and these socks are a special project created as a cooperation between us and Hil-Foundation.
Their special Girls’ Advisory Board program helps girls and women live free from violence and have a voice and a say in society. The Girls’ Advisory Board welcomes everyone who understands themselves as girls. The voice of each participant is heard. It doesn’t matter if not all terms are immediately available. Even those who are otherwise quiet and reserved are given appreciative space to present their own arguments for the five favorite projects. The Girls’ Advisory Board is a safe framework in which everyone is allowed to show sides of themselves that might otherwise get little space.

They are 24, 18, 21, and 16 years old and live in different regions. G. is doing an apprenticeship in floristry, M. has just spent some time abroad as a volunteer and will soon start university, Z. has been in Austria for a few years and has just successfully completed compulsory schooling, and R. goes to high school: together with eight other young women with very different stories and life paths, they are involved in the Hil Foundation’s Girls’ Advisory Board. After all, who better to decide which projects make girls strong than young women themselves?

I felt very comfortable in the group and made new friends.



The symbols drawn by the girls’ advisory board members tell of the meaning and importance of all young women participating in society. This is a message they want to pass on to other girls through the socks. The result is seven symbols that stand for empowerment, beauty, diversity, and the power to change. They are meant to motivate people to help shape the world: Fire: inspiration, commitment, community; Peace Wheel: harmonious living; Heart Flowers: happiness, love, cohesion. Circle of stars: connections, community; Wave of infinity: energy and power. Fruits: Nurturing, growth, future; Rainbow: tolerance, warmth, love.

The German inscription and message “Girls Shape the Future” is meant to inspire and motivate young women to speak out, help shape society, and fight for what is important to them.

These socks are only available in one size 37-42 as a special project by young people for young people. 50% of the proceeds will go to a calendar project that the Girls’ Advisory Board is implementing together with the Amazone 2021 association.